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International Meetings

The Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska has organized a number of scholarly conventions of international character in which the renowned persons from political, cultural and scientific life, both from the country and abroad took part. All the exposés given at the conferences were published in collections of papers from the conventions and distributed to the broader public.


One of the first scientific conferences that had an international character was organized under the title «Geology and Metallogeny of the Dinarides and the Vardar Zone”. The conference was held from October 4 to October 6, 2000, and the collection of papers under the same name was published as early as in November the same year.


The Scientific Conference «The Republic of Srpska – Ten Years from the Dayton Peace Agreement” was held on May 12 and 13, 2005 in Banski dvor in Banja Luka. About 110 scholars, professors and other eminent cultural and scientific workers from the country and abroad took part in the conference. About 60 written papers were submitted, and only a few months later a collection of papers was published in the Serb and the English languages.


The International Forum under the name “Ophiollitic ranges, Relics of Ancient Ocean Areas in the North Part of the Balkan Peninsula” was organized in cooperation with the Serb Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Forum started its work in Belgrade, and after a visit to a number of places relevant for this subject, it was continued in Banja Koviljaca and, after a visit to the Kozara, was completed in Banja Luka. In addition to the scientists from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, numerous scientists from Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, Austria and the Great Britain took part in this forum.


The conferences on “ New Views in Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis”, held in Banja Luka on September 15, 2006, as well as the scientific conference “Nikola Tesla’s Ideas”, held on September 22 and 23 in Banja Luka, also had an international character. The publishing of collections of papers also ensued from these conferences.


The Academy also participated in the Conference of the Academies of East and South-East Europe, held on May 4 and 5, 2007 in Kishinev, Moldavia. The Conference was held in the organization of UNESCO and ICSU.


The Academy participated, as an observer, in the CEEN meeting in Budva on June 1 and 2, 2007.


The inter-academy catalysis board (with its seat in Belgrade) organized a number of very important symposia. As part of this cooperation, the academician Branko Skundric participated in the organizations of a number of conferences: New Challenges in Catalysis III (Belgrade, October 29-31, 2001), The Fourth and the Fifth International Symposium on Catalysis.

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