Међународни пројекти

  1. Novi materijali za hemijske izvore električne energije, Bilateralna naučno-teh­nol­oš­ka saradnja između BiH i Republike Slovenije, 2010-2011.(koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  2. Renewable energy sources as model of sustainable development of the countries of West Balkans,UNESCO PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME 2010-2011.(koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  3. Savremeni materijali za obnovljive izvore energije, Naučno-tehnološka saradnja BiH i Republike Slovenije za 2012-2013.(koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  4. Potencijal i ekonomičnost obnovljivih izvora energije, Naučno-tehnološka saradnja BiH i Crna Gora za 2012-2013. (koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  5. Influence of energy efficiency of solar energy on economic and sustainable development for the Western Balkan Region, UNESCO PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME 2012-2013. (koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  6. The influence of renewable energy sources to the protection of the environment in West Balkan Countries, UNESCO PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME 2014-2015. (koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  7. Development of Sustainable Interrelations between Education, Research and Innovation at WBC Universities in Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials where Innovation Means Business,2013-2017. WIMB  - Tempus Project No. 543898-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPHES.
  8. Strengthening regional cooperation in the field of research of radon existance in educational and health institutions in order to achieve conditions for radon atlas of BiH, UNESCO PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME 2018-2019. (koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)
  9. Strenghtening regional  cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources for sustainable development and climate change in order to achieve conditions of european green plan in the Western Balkan, UNESCO PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME 2020-2021, (koordinator akademik Dragoljub Mirjanić)


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